Transit experiences and refuge in Polish Jews in times of war

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Vanesa Teitelbaum


From a recent historiographical perspective, which seeks to expand the geographical margins of the Holocaust to understand it in its transnational dimension, Latin America is a key region, for its role in the rescue of Jewish refugees. In this context, the work reconstructs and examines the experiences of transit and refuge of the Polish Jews who traveled the route of salvation through the Far East, developed especially between the years 1940 and 1941. The article examine, mainly, testimonies of the refugees and documents from aid and relief organizations, especially the Assistance Committee, from Kobe (Japan). It argues the deployment of memories that could be dissonant with respect to the hegemonic narratives of the Second World War and, on the other, the presence of ambivalent feelings around the experiences of transit and refuge. In these pages, we investigate, particularly the displacement of Polish Jews to the Americas, taking two contrasting cases: the United States, the main destination of the Jewish refuge, and Mexico, one of the Latin American countries that received fewer Jewish refugees.


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Teitelbaum, V. (2024). Transit experiences and refuge in Polish Jews in times of war. Sociohistórica, (53), e227.


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