A debt with ours. Challenges and experiences of reconstruction of the CONICET lists of disappeared and murdered persons

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Santiago Garaño


On March 24, 2022 at the Cultural Center of Science (C3) the President of CONICET, Ana Franchi and highest authorities led the act of homage to eight victims of State terrorism who worked at CONICET in the days of the last Argentine civic-military dictatorship. It was a historic act. Not only because it was the first time that the organization delivered copies of repaired files to relatives of the disappeared and murdered members of the Council, but also because Dr. Franchi read a profound text requesting an institutional apology that moved the large C3 audience. In this paper, we are interested in giving an account of the reconstruction process of this first -and surely incomplete and partial- CONICET list of victims of state terrorism. Not only does it have the objective of reporting the challenges that this type of research task entails, but it also aims to systematize the experience and collaborate with other institutions that want to undertake similar companies.


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Garaño, S. (2024). A debt with ours. Challenges and experiences of reconstruction of the CONICET lists of disappeared and murdered persons. Sociohistórica, (53), e229. https://doi.org/10.24215/18521606e229


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